Welcome to the Time Attack Championship Competitor Area
If you are intending to join us this season and you are looking to find out exactly what’s required in order to take part in the only championship of its kind in the UK, you’ll find all the information you need on this page.
DOCUMENT DOWNLOADS (please click the links below)
TO ENTER – join the club and get started
Our regulations are detailed and will give the answers to your car-build questions and classing etc. If you are confused by the classing or wish to ask more detailed information about what you can do to your car in a class, please contact Mike Mattison our Chief Tech : [email protected]
Competitors who wish to submit an appeal against a decision by the Clerk of the Course or Stewards must download and complete the Protest & Appeal form below and refer to the appropriate information sheet.
Protest & Appeal form
Submitting a protest to the Clerk of the Course
Appeal against a decision of the Clerk of the Course – Non Technical
Appeal against a decision of the Clerk of the Course – Technical
Appeal against a decision of the Stewards – Non Technical